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Sixth Form

Food Science & Nutrition


Food Science & Nutrition – Level 3 Diploma

Examining Body:


Entry Criteria:

A previous qualification in GCSE Food is desirable but not essential

Course Leader:

Mrs R Davies

Why? :

This course is for students who are interested in learning about the relationship between the human body and food as well as the practical skills for cooking and preparing food. There is a strong emphasis on practical work, making the course an ideal choice for those who prefer to learn by doing. An understanding of food science and nutrition is relevant to many industries and job roles; food manufacturers, restaurants and hotels and government agencies use this to develop food products, menus and policies that support healthy eating initiatives. Care providers and nutritionists use this knowledge, as do sports coaches and fitness instructors. Students who enjoy food handling and making food products will have the chance to develop advanced practical techniques and to learn in a range of different contexts. An advanced study of food safety, the scientific aspects of food ingredients and current issues in nutrition will be undertaken. Students taking this course need to be able to work methodically, independently and as part of a team and should have the willingness to adopt a creative and innovative approach to practical tasks.

Course Structure:

Learners complete the mandatory unit 1 in year 12:

Unit 1 - Meeting Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups – learners develop an understanding of advanced nutrition and develop practical skills to produce quality food items; this is assessed through the completion of an assignment and examination.

In year 13 the second mandatory unit 2 and then one of two optional units, 3 or 4 are studied:

Unit 2 – Ensuring Food is Safe to Eat – this allows learners to develop their understanding of the science of food safety and hygiene; this is assessed by examination.

Unit 3 – Experimenting to Solve Food Production Problems – learners develop an understanding of the scientific properties of food through the completion of an assignment.

Unit 4 – Current Issues in Food Science and Nutrition – a project based on a chosen topical food related issue.

Extended Learning:

Students are expected to keep up to date with current food related issues and to dedicate themselves to completing the assignment tasks during independent study time as well as in lessons. Students are expected to provide their own ingredients to complete practicals.

Food Science & Nutrition - Learning Journey

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