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Sixth Form

School Uniform Policy

We aim for our uniform to be smart, safe and practical.  It should be appropriate for a range of activities during the school day.

Compulsory uniform for all students is as follows:


  • Navy Blazer with school logo- school pin badges only.
  • School Tie (clip on).
  • White shirt or blouse, tucked in.
  • Full length tailored black trousers, not leggings, skinny, or jeans style.
  • Skirt (knee length or longer, and not jersey or lycra material)Please note that persistent refusal to follow the expectations of the policy on skirts here stated may mean that a student will be required to wear trousers instead.
  • Shorts may be worn in the summer, if they are plain black, knee length and tailored.
  • Polishable formal black shoes only: boots, open sandals, high heels, canvas shoes, pumps, skate shoes (e.g. ‘vans’ and ‘converse’) or trainers of any kind are not to be worn as uniform.
  • Navy V Neck school Jumper (optional).
  • Black tights or black socks, with no logo.

It is expected that students will be in uniform at all times. Any student who is not in the expected school uniform or following the school’s policy will be placed in internal exclusion for the day to complete their work. Students who are repeatedly not following the Uniform Policy are liable to receive a further sanction.

Coats may not be worn over the uniform blazer unless at break times and lunch times outside, when travelling to and from school or as directed by school staff. Coats are never allowed to be worn in the school building.

PE clothing may only be worn during PE lessons or when engaging in school organised sports events.

Hooded sweatshirts are not permitted (over or under Sir John Leman High School Blazers) anywhere within the school grounds.


Students should not wear more than one ring, one small stud in each ear (not stretchers or hoops) and one bracelet. A small necklace may be worn under the shirt. No facial piercings or tongue studs are allowed of any kind, including the nose.  This includes the wearing of ‘retainers.  This is for health and safety reasons.

Please note that lost items will not be the responsibility of the school.

In some activities, e.g. PE, Design Technology, all jewellery is required to be removed for safety reasons.


Make up is not to be worn by students in years 7, 8 and 9, including eyebrow tinting. Subtle make-up is allowed in Years 10 and 11. Students should not wear false eyelashes and coloured nail varnish (including acrylic and gel nails) in years 7-11.  


Hair colouring is only allowed if the school considers it to be a naturally occurring tone.  Students will be removed from class if there is non-compliance.  Hair bands and accessories should be minimal and unobtrusive.


Any form of tattooing is strictly forbidden. This is a criminal offence as laid down under the “Tattooing of Minors Act 1969”. The school does not allow any temporary tattoo.

PE uniform

For boys and girls:

SJLHS Multi sports top or ¼ zip top

SJLHS Sports t shirt

Navy sports shorts

Navy sports socks

Navy or Black jogging bottoms

White socks

Established in ~ 1632 ~