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Sixth Form

Post-18 Options: Web Resources

Careers Quiz

Careers quizzes can help you better understand yourself and work out which careers you may enjoy working in. You can then explore jobs recommended to you and compare different careers that may be of interest to you.

Careers Quiz | UCAS

Buzz quiz | Undergraduate, Apprenticeships, 16-18 Choices | UCAS

Skills assessment | National Careers Service


  • Networking is an essential aspect of business and building a career.
  • Networking is a great way to meet people who may become your employers or business partners someday. 
  • When hiring, recruiters have the incredibly tough task of picking one person from hundreds of applicants. Choosing somebody they know and have interacted with before is an easier decision than selecting someone they’ve never met or only met through a brief interview. 
  • Networking is the most successful way of finding a meaningful job and attaining career success. 80% of professionals find networking essential to their career success and almost 100% believe that face-to-face meetings build stronger long-term relationships.
  • Online networking has taken over the business world in the past decade, thanks to social media platforms like LinkedIn. According to a study done by LinkedIn in 2017, 35% of participants said a casual conversation through LinkedIn Messaging led to a new opportunity, including jobs and career changes.



Employability skills, such as teamwork and communication skills are valued by employers. The Skills Builder Universal Framework shows how to build essential skills at every stage of life. 

The Skills Builder Partnership

Labour Market Information

  • Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.
  • It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.

Explore LMI data – LMI For All

Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy - New Anglia

MOOCS - Massive Open Online Courses

Many young people trying to access HE courses and/or training places in very competitive industries can often find it difficult to get a foot in the door.  Work experience is always valuable but this can also be in short supply.  Another opportunity that young people may not be aware of is the use of MOOCs. 

MOOCs are courses delivered online and accessible to all for free.  They typically comprise pre-recorded video lessons, readings, assessments, and discussion forums.  They offer a massive variety of content and can give young people an opportunity to explore some content from the career they aspire to.

Most MOOCs are made by universities. Some of the first and most active MOOC makers are StanfordMIT, and Harvard, others are made by companies, such as Microsoft or Google etc.   Some MOOCs can be started at any time and others start at regular intervals.

4 main websites that offer access to these free courses can be found here :

Students can search for courses that interest them and these may be related to a future career aspiration such as medicine or law.  They can select the provider and then start the course.  These can be really useful to overcome the issues of not being able to access work experience in a chosen profession as they show interest and also initiative, for example there are MOOCS available on the topics of medical ethics etc.  No age limit to most, but possibly most suitable for Year 12/13.  They can be useful to include in personal statements, university interviews as well as giving young people a taste of the content to the university degree or career path they are interested in following.

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