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Sixth Form


Sixth Form is about so much more than just your academic studies. Throughout your time with us, we will offer you a range of extra-curricular and super curricular opportunities that will enable you to enhance your CV above and beyond your academic studies. These activities may be formal timetabled activities run by SJL Sixth Form, informal SJL Sixth Form activities and events or events offered by outside providers.

Extra and super-curricular opportunities develop a variety of skills and qualities that will benefit you whether you are applying for university or entering the world of employment. These will help you to build a strong individual profile that will set you apart in a competitive environment. Alongside this you will no doubt build friendships and connections, meet a range of students from across Sixth Form and the school, develop your confidence and develop transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, organisation, problem solving and time management. Every Year 12 student will be asked to complete a formal timetabled Enrichment activity. Current activities on offer include (Enrichment options and student choices will be confirmed at enrolment in September):

Extended Project

This level 3 qualification suits students who wish to pursue a particular area of study, and who are committed to develop themselves as independent learners. EPQ supports students in developing the skills that are highly valued by both universities and employers. The course is assessed entirely via coursework and students may choose to produce a project that is either entirely written or is a mixture of practical and written work. Students are also required to present their project to a small audience at the end of the year. EPQ also helps you with UCAS points - EPQ is valued at 50% of a full A level in the UCAS tariff. In addition, EPQ can persuade universities to make you an offer that may be a reduced offer in comparison to other candidates. This is because EPQ provides very clear evidence that you have interests and ability which go beyond the A-Level curriculum. It demonstrates clearly that you are capable of undertaking the kind of independent reading, research, and essay writing that is the mainstay of most undergraduate degrees.

Recreational PE

This activity does not result in a formal qualification but is an opportunity for students to use the sports facilities on offer at The Venue at the SJLJHS site to keep fit / develop sporting skills. It might be that students choose to complete Recreational PE alongside another Enrichment activity.

Learning Support

Many students gain invaluable communication skills and a great sense of achievement through working as Learning Support Assistants in main school classes. Students are able to liaise with teachers in a subject of their choice to organise lessons to work in and develop strategies to help groups and individual students. It might be that students choose to complete Learning Support alongside another Enrichment activity.

Mathematical Studies

Further details of this enrichment option can be found on page 28 of the Sixth Form Prospectus.

Writers' Workshop

The Writers’ Workshop enrichment offer aims to give you the opportunity and freedom to write in genres that interest you, for audiences that interest you. Alongside masterclasses in writing in different forms - for example, poetry and short stories - you will have the time and space to pursue your passions in writing. There are many Creative Writing competitions available for 16-18 year olds; we will support you in submitting writing to these. You will be supported in your writing by an English teacher and have the opportunity, if you wish, to share your work with other like-minded writers.

S4S (Skills 4 Success)

These timetabled sessions are aimed at supporting you with the transition to Sixth Form and then throughout Years 12 and 13. The sessions will focus on Study Skills, wellbeing and mental health support and you will be provided with the opportunity to choose the sessions which best suit your need for support.

Other Enrichment Options

One easy way you can complete some super-curricular work is to complete a MOOC. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free online courses available in a huge range of subject areas. These are mainly designed and delivered by universities and provide a flexible way to learn around your A Level studies. MOOCs are highly valued by universities and are an excellent way to show that you have gone ‘above and beyond’ with your learning.

In addition, we would hope that a large number of students would involve themselves in organising events such as RAG Week, charity events and Sixth Form events. Throughout the academic year we will provide you with information about lots of other activities that you can get involved in (workshops, employer visits, speakers, UEA guest lectures etc.) We will usually give you this information via our fortnightly Sixth Form Bulletin and would encourage you to get involved in as many opportunities as you can.

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