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Sixth Form

Head's Welcome

Welcome to Sir John Leman High School and Sixth Form. Our school has a rich and prestigious history; thousands of students have walked the halls of our magnificent building all in pursuit of the same excellence that we strive for today.   

As a parent and Headteacher, I am keenly aware of the hopes and aspirations parents and students invest in education. We all want our children to be happy, confident and secure and to enjoy the most formative years of their lives. We want them to be supported and challenged in equal measure, so they achieve their goals and realise their dreams.

“Achievement for all and aspiring for excellence” is school motto that we live by.   At Sir John Leman we pride ourselves on ensuring high ambitions and expectations of all our students.  We expose them to a challenging curriculum and encourage them to work hard, be committed, conduct themselves well and treat fellow members of our learning community with respect.  Our ethos is not just words on paper but can be seen and felt as you walk through our school.

The success of a student is not measured by their attainment alone but also by the development of their character.  The school has a strong emphasis on personal development and a relentless focus on improving learning which is driving up performance in all aspects of our school.  We place great emphasis on achievement, in all forms. Academic Awards Evenings are part of a wide range of ways in which excellence in its varied forms, is celebrated.

Our house system has been a traditional feature of the school for many years and is at the heart of our pastoral care. The varied house events allow students of all skills and abilities to demonstrate a positive contribution.

By the time our pupils have completed their 7 year learning journey they have developed the cultural capital, the resilience and drive to embrace all life has to offer.

We are delighted to have been recognised by the Department for Education as one of the highest improving schools in the country and by Ofsted for having outstanding Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.

Although our website is full of information about the school, our biggest ambassadors are our students.  Should you wish to find out more please contact the school to arrange a visit, they would be more than happy to show you around.


Ms S Hartshorn


Established in ~ 1632 ~